Located within Village Centre in Westman Village, conveniently situated next to The Journey Club and accessible by skywalk all year long, there are a wide variety of activities and recreation options for participants to enjoy in every season. Reach new fitness goals, and take up new, exciting hobbies without leaving home.
The Journey Club’s Recreation and Fitness Amenities:
- Pool
- Steam Room
- Gymnasium
- Fitness Centre
- Indoor Garden
- Library
- Arnie’s Terrace Bar
- Club Room
- Games Room
- Party Room
- Golf Simulator
- Demo Kitchen
- Theatre
- Wood Workshop
- Arts and Crafts Room
- The Wine Vault

Keep the learning alive with facilitated classes at one of Calgary’s premier independent living communities. The Journey Club offers a wide range of new hobbies you can learn with the help of an instructor or on your own. From woodworking and art classes, to potting instruction in our greenhouse and cooking classes in our demo kitchen, you’re sure to find yourself busy. Sign up for something new like tai chi, yoga or Zumba!

Independent living for seniors doesn’t mean you have to be confined to The Journey Club or Westman Village only. Our dedicated team of caregivers are here to facilitate fun and engaging activities in and out of The Journey Club. We organize outings to places like Lunch Box Theatre, The Calgary Opera, Theatre Calgary and Glenbow Musuem. On top of that, we get out to the mountains whenever we can and are sure to hit the Calgary Farmer’s Market too.